Selasa, 25 Oktober 2011

Why do we need to teach reading?

Reading is an important skill that needs to be developed in children. Not only is it necessary for survival in the world of schools and (later on) universities, but in adult life as well. The ability to learn about new subjects and find helpful information on anything from health problems and consumer protection to more academic research into science or the arts depends on the ability to read. Futurologists used to predict the death of the printed word but, ironically, Internet has made reading more and more a part of people's daily lives. The paperless society is a myth. The computer's ability to process and analyze data means that endless variations on reports and other types of documents can be and are generated. Internet, itself an enormous new source of information and recreation, is based on the humble written word. To effectively utilize the web and judge the authenticity and value of what is found there, both reading and critical thinking skills are of prime importance.

Minggu, 02 Oktober 2011

pendidikan seumur hidup

A. Konsep Pendidikan Seumur Hidup
Asas pendidikan seumur hidup merumuskan bahwa proses pendidikan merupakan suatu proses kontinu yang bermula sejak seseorang dilahirkan hingga meninggal dunia. Menurut GBHN 1978 dinyatakan bahwa pendidikan berlangsung seumur hidup dan dilaksanakan di dalam lingkungan rumah tangga, sekolah, dan masyarakat sehingga pendidikan seumur hidup merupakan tanggung jawab keluarga, masyarakat dan pemerintah.